Clean Ocean Project

COP 26 has over 200 delegates taking decisions which will shape the world’s future.

Rotary is part of this future and a Rotary delegation will meet with the Commonwealth Secretariat Blue Charter team and key Commonwealth Ministers to discuss the Rotary objective of “Protecting the Environment”.

As part of this meeting, an environmental project has been identified in the Maldives which requires funding. It is an opportunity for Clubs to fund a project which will highlight at COP26 the support of Rotarians for the environment.

The project highlights the seriousness of plastic pollution in the sea around the Maldives and identifies actions and solutions which will reduce plastic pollution.

  • Globally 8 million tons of plastic waste pollutes the sea each year
  • Pieces of plastic break down over time from plastic bottles, textiles and clothing, and remain in the world’s oceans as micro plastic creating invisible water pollutants
  • The flow of micro plastic in the waters around the Maldives is amongst the highest in the world and has the potential to severely impact marine life in shallow reefs and threaten the livelihoods of island communities.

The project will be led by eXXpedition which is a not-for-profit organisation that “investigates the causes of and solutions to ocean plastic pollution”

eXXpedition is working with a group of local fisherman Dhivehi Masuerin to raise awareness of the issue and to provide solutions which can be implemented and monitored.

The cost of the project is £15,000 for preparation, delivery and mentorship for the duration of the programme.

We are all impacted by plastic pollution of the sea and the adverse effects it can have on the wellbeing of our communities. Micro plastic pollution will intensify unless we support the work of organisations working with local communities to combat sea garbage and debris.

At this stage, make a Donation Pledge towards this project before the 1st November. Donation Pledges can be forwarded to [email protected] Bank details of where the donations are to be forwarded will be given in early November.

This communication has been sent to all DEOs and DGs. Many thanks for your support.

Toni Roberts – Service Team – Protecting the Environment


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May 1, 2024