Global Plant-Rich Diet

Did you know that animal agriculture is a leading cause of greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity loss, deforestation, water depletion and pollution?

Eating more plant-based meals (consisting of vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, nuts, seeds, herbs and spices) and fewer animal-derived foods is one of the most powerful steps we, as individuals, can take to protect and heal our planet starting today.

Read about  ESRAG Plant Rich Diet Taskforce here.

They set up a Global 15-Day Plant-Rich Diet Challenge which started October 1st.  Although it is too late to register for this event you can download their Starter Kit flyer here

Summary of Key issues wrt a message ‘Eat Less Meat’ the Environment and RGBI

In response to a request from District 1070 for clarification and a paper submitted by Rotarian Barry Hackett D1070 a DEO sub-group to summarize key issues was requested by the RGBI Environmental Sustainability Team. Read their summary here


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May 1, 2024