Water, Sanitation and Hygiene plus Environmental Impact
Providing schools across Western Kenya with self-sufficiency in water supplies, promoting hand-washing capacity. Reducing water poverty and the incidence of water-borne and other diseases.
Promoting local skills development, youth training and social enterprise.
Utilising environmentally sustainable Interlocking Stabilised Soil Block (ISSB) technology. The production of durable blocks from compressed sub-soil and a small quantity of cement, ISSB technology is transforming the impact of construction on the African environment, removing the need for traditional bricks that require large numbers of trees to be felled to fire them.

Rainwater Harvesting
Manufacturing duel foot-pedal operated hand-washing stations, using locally available materials and technologies.
Planting Agroforestry “food grove” of fruit and nut trees within school grounds adding to biodiversity and food security. Paying an incentive to school children to “adopt” and water the trees for five years until they are established.
With our delivery partners Kipsaina Education and Environment Partnership (KEEP) and Kipsaina Crane and Wetland Conservation Group (KCWCG); funding partner, Barnard Castle School and training partners, Haileybury Youth Trust (HYT), BC Rotary will initially set up 3 teams of 3 builders and 1 team of 3 welders (each 3 person team to have a school leaver as a member) to be trained in the construction of ISSB water-tanks and handwashing stations. 8 Rainwater tanks will be built in 8 schools in Western Kenya in water poverty. Provisional costing for Phase 1 Pilot and Training period is £26,300.